Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Hello and Helpful segment for back to school anxiety

Hello new and old friends to Wheelock Elementary School! My name is Jenna Johnson and I am the full time School Psychologist here at Wheelock.  I can hardly believe it but I am entering my sixth year in Medfield and I absolutely love my job.  I look forward to seeing my third grade friends again and meeting new second grade friends.  Welcome to my blog, I try to post helpful and relevant resources from time to time.  If you ever want to reach out to me for more specific questions or concerns please email me at jennajohnson@email.medfield.net.

As the new school year is vastly approaching, there may be great feelings of excitement for what a new school year can bring, but I know there are plenty of kids and parents who may be a bit anxious.  Therefore, I just wanted to share a great audio segment I found from the National Association of School Psychologist (NASP) website.  I always find such great resources from NASP and this one is dedicated to supporting kids of all ages who may have some back to school anxiety.  The staff at Wheelock work so hard to help support the transition back into school and we look forward to the 2018-2019 school year!

Audio segment found here: