Have You Filled a Bucket Today?
What a wonderful time of year, the start of school is! Full of new beginnings, fresh starts and of course the opportunity to make new friends by filling buckets! At the start of the year I always read one of my absolutely favorite stories, Have You Filled a Bucket Today? This wonderful story helps kids to learn the importance of small kind acts by teaching kids that everyone has an imaginary bucket that needs to be filled. Someone can fill a bucket by being kind and thoughtful to another person. And when kids are kind and thoughtful to others not only do they fill someone else's bucket, their bucket gets full too! This book also spends some time highlighting the negative impacts of teasing and bullying by calling this action, 'bucket dipping'. A 'bucket dipper' has an empty bucket and cannot fill their own bucket by dipping into someone else's.
Here at Wheelock, the students have the opportunity to share their examples of being 'bucket fillers' by filling out a slip and putting them into the 'Wheelock Bucket' (see above picture), so that their example can be shared on the bulletin board. This lovely bulletin board is displayed on the first floor near the middle set of stairs. Here are a couple great examples of students being 'bucket fillers' at Wheelock:
"Give a compliment to a friend"
"I shared a game by compromising"
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and I hope that your buckets get filled :)